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he artistic research that we have been conducting at Gnomalab Estudio for over 25 years is framed within the genre known as ‘site-specific art.’ Much of our work is aimed at exploring the expressive limits of exhibition venues. We seek that the environment where the piece is displayed becomes part of it, either directly or indirectly, paying particular attention to the relationships established between the different elements that make up the space.

Related to the above, one of the main avenues of artistic expression we are studying at Gnomalab Estudio is related to light in its different manifestations. We are interested in how light, in any of its formats, behaves when interacting with different elements and spaces.
We strive to create artistic installations that interrogate the observer about the boundaries between the natural and the technological, between the real and the virtual.


tarting from the observation of the (lack of) relationship that light establishes with space, we construct audiovisual scenarios with the aim of subjecting the viewer to a sensory experience that allows them to question the limits of reality.

Conversaciones con el espacio
Laser-Boxes Ibiza Light Festival 2023 -Photo by Andrei Oprescu


Our interest and curiosity about new technologies have led us to explore numerous techniques to innovate in the field of different artistic disciplines such as photography, audiovisuals, and music.


Our work aims to stimulate reflection based on observation of how spaces and objects are transformed through artistic and technological techniques.

Conversaciones con el espacio